About US


Content marketing is about more than beating some algorithm to get traffic.

It’s about sucking the right people into your orbit, connecting to  them like a friend, and creating loyal customers who refer you to their friends.

We probably don’t have the insider scoop on your industry.

But that’s a good thing.

Your prospective customers don’t either. Simple, engaging content gets your message across so they understand and take action.

about us

We believe in entrepreneurs.

Why? Because they’re the ones that put heart and soul into every product, pour passion into every service, and never forget a customer’s name.

We believe in you, the dreamers, the doers, the risk-takers. Your dreams are big, your spirit is strong, and your drive? Like a freight train running on rocket fuel.

So here’s the deal – we stand by you, champion your cause, and roll up our sleeves to make your vision shine bright.

It’s your story; we’re just here to help you tell it. 

The Team

Sue Anderson

Sue Anderson

Creative Director

Sue started Triumph Communications in 2005 upon realizing this Internet thing was here to stay and that there sure was a lot of horrid content already clogging it up.

She started off as a solo writer, creating so much content she rose to the top spot on Guru.

That was enough to build some confidence and credibility, and she decided Triumph should serve more and better clients… and that she couldn’t do it alone. Switching to an agency model made bigger wins possible – for the clients and the writers.

Sue’s the author of Working Writer, Happy Writer and Choice Words for Local Marketers among other books, the creator of The Grind Newsletter, founder of Idyllwild Woods Entrepreneur Retreat Center, and the host of the upcoming podcast, Your Content Sucks.

Jessica Salas

Jessica Salas

Project Manager

Every business owner needs a right arm. Triumph’s luckiest day ever was the day Sue met Jessica on WAHM.com. They’ve only met once in person, but have served hundreds of clients together since for nearly two decadses. 

Farm girl, mom-to-4 and coffee-aficionado, Jessica dreamed of being a writer since she was a little girl. After receiving an English degree and her Master’s in counseling, she started writing for Triumph in 2007 in order to stay home with her four children.

These days, she’s the Project Manager, which means she herds cats (i.e. manages writers), interviews clients, writes, edits, and takes the most amazing care of our clients… in between checking on her farm animals and brewing her beloved coffee beans in her French press.

Sara Turner McCann

Sara Turner McCann


Sara is mom to twins and a singleton (only mothers of multiples also use the word singleton). She’s also an amateur photographer, animal lover, dog enthusiast, and craver of all things chocolate.

With a degree in Communications and Fine Art, Sara started writing for Triumph when she decided that staying home with her kids would be much less expensive than paying for daycare. And more rewarding, too. 

Sara writes blogs and wrangles the editorial calendars into shape every month. In her spare time she volunteers for a giant-breed dog rescue.

Fun Fact: Sue and Sara met in Mrs. Brown’s horrible Trigonometry class together in high school back in 1984. Boo, math! Yay, friends and words!

Jenn Hunter

Jenn Hunter


You: “Can you write a 10,000-word analysis of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire in the next hour?”
Me: “Sure!”
You: “Can you write a couple sentences about yourself?”

Me: “Fuck.”

Sue: OK, so I’ll do it for her! Jenn is, hands-down, one of the best and definitely the funniest writer I’ve ever worked with.

Jenn loves research more than chocolate. Her literary idols include Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Merriam-Webster, and the Oxford comma.

A self-inflicted insomniac, she combats perpetual writer’s block with cold showers and soy latte.

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

We’re always happy to hear from you.
Whether you have question, suggestion, or just want to say hello, we’re here to serve.
Just send your message and we’ll be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!